Our focus is to be people of prayer.
To become a prayer partner, just begin to pray every day for the people and needs that are recommended to us, and are listed in our Petition book.
If you are Catholic, please include these intentions when you attend Mass as well as in your other prayers.
If you worship with another group, we ask that you include these intentions when you gather with those who share your faith.
Of course, when you become aware of prayer needs, inform us, using the [email protected] link and we will include your intentions in our Petition book and our daily prayers.
God bless you.
Sending an E-mail to [email protected] will enable us to do this.
- Please be sure to include the first name of the person or persons you wish to have included in our prayers.
- Please include prayers of praise and thanksgiving for all the gifts you have already received.
- We also hope that those who have obtained blessings from God, through the prayers of this Community of Prayer would make us aware of graces received and needs that have been met.
- We will share the information about those gifts, where appropriate, with the whole group through this same link.
- We continually ask our Heavenly Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit to open our ears to hear the Word He speaks to us and to open our eyes to the needs of those around us.
- We pray that God will give us hearts that respond to Him in love and respond to our brothers and sisters in love.
© 2004- 2025 Gene P. Neral